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Add animations to your Hero blocks

Here’s a quick guide on how to turn your hero block into an animated experience for your visitors. If you’re familiar with After Effects, this guide is for you.

What are Lottie JSON files?

If you have experience with animation, you’ve probably come across the Lottie file type. For those that are not familiar, a Lottie file is just a different type of animation file. In today’s online world, when you go on a website that displays any type of animation (specially those you seem to control by scrolling), there a super high chance it is a Lottie file and not a GIF or mp4. Lottie files are smaller in file size, faster to load and more accessible, that’s why they’ve become so popular.

Screen Recording 2022-09-28 at 2.43.15

The example above is from Reo Cragun’s website. The animations are not GIFs or mp4s, they are Lottie files.

*You can use After Effects + LottieFiles Plugin to export your animation in this format instead of .mp4 or .mov.

Here is how it works:

Ok, but what if I don’t have After Effects?

Absolutely no worries, here’s a quick guide on how to take your .svg files from any software like illustrator, figma, canva, among others, and turn them into LottieFiles and then into animations for your hero block. Let’s dive in.

After you’re done with your design or illustration, either on illustrator, figma, canva or basically any design software, you can export it as a .svg file. SVG files are great and very popular in the design world because their dimensions can be changed without affecting quality, meaning that no matter how big you scale them, they will still look great.

Now that you have you freshly exported .svg file, let go step by step on how to turn this into a Lottie, animate it and add it to your hero block.

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