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Native NFT Drops on Bonfire

How to create an NFT drop from your Bonfire dashboard.

<aside> 👀 FYI, Sound Protocol uses erc721s and mainnet only


Here’s the written step by step

  1. Visit Drops > NFT Drops > Create NFT Drop
  2. Fill out the Collection Details
    1. Name
    2. Symbol
    3. Description
    4. Collection size
  3. Upload media (you are able to upload an image and/or audio)
  4. Determine the royalty fee, this is the % you’ll receive on secondary sales
  5. Copy and paste the payout address, this can be your wallet address or a splits contract
  6. Click Next
  7. Determine your floor price, in ETH
  8. The maximum number of mints per wallet
  9. A start and end time
  10. Include a Drop Day Message that will be sent to your subscribers via email when the drop happens
  11. You can also choose to make subscribing to you a pre-requisite so only subscribers can claim the drop.
  12. Associate rewards with your Drop by clicking Add Rewards - choose from Pages, Content, or Custom rewards

Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 18.15.35.png

  1. Optional: copy and paste specific wallet addresses to add them to the Pre-sale
  2. Click Create NFT Drop
  3. Click Deploy and sign the transaction in your wallet

<aside> 👀 Make sure the correct wallet is connected and that you have enough eth for gas


Now that you’ve deployed your contract you can choose to share a link or QR code with the drop, or share the news on social. You can also build out your custom mint page by clicking on Open In Studio!

<aside> 🔥 If you wanna import a contract from Decent, Sound, or Mintplex, check out our integrations Import Custom Contracts


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