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Creating Memberships on Bonfire

Create and own your own tailor-made Membership Pass directly from your Bonfire dashboard. No coding experience needed!

Here’s the written step-by-step:

  1. Go to Passes > Create a Pass > Season Pass > Create a new Pass

  2. Complete Pass details

    1. image

    2. name

    3. price

    4. Option to enable Referal Rewards (referrers get 5% of every pass bought)

    5. description

    6. sale start and end time

    7. benefits associated to pass

      <aside> πŸ“Œ Need ideas? Check these out Passes Idea Bank: What to offer your community


    8. Option to define duration or keep it open-ended

    9. Option to enable credit card checkout

      <aside> πŸ“Œ Credit Card Checkout FAQs


  3. In Advanced Settings

    1. Option to limit the number of passes available
    2. Copy-paste the wallet address receiving the funds
    3. Determine the royalty percentage
  4. Click Create Pass

  5. Click Deploy (make sure you have enough crypto in your wallet to deploy the contract and pay for gas)

  6. Sign the transaction in your wallet by clicking Confirm

  7. Your Pass has been created! Click Done

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